How to Join Maritime Expeditionary Security Force?

How to Join Maritime Expeditionary Security Force

What is Maritime Security Service?

Maritime security means giving security or protection to vessels both internally and externally in marine areas. Nowadays merchant’s vessels need protection due to increasing risk of terrorism and piracy like trouble. The Maritime Security Service ensures the protection of areas from which ships and maritime operations are protected including terrorism, piracy, robbery, illegal trafficking of goods and people, illegal fishing and pollution. This article will help you to learn more about how to join Maritime Expeditionary Security Force.

Mainly Maritime security officers are primarily retired ex-militaries. Who wants to keep working in a relevant field of security-related activity? But it’s not necessary to have a military background to get into Maritime Security Service. If you’re determined to serve the government, maritime security jobs are an excellent way no matter what your situation is.

If you’re interested in building a career as a Maritime Security Service officer, there are several important things to consider about the job.

The National Coast Guard of a country and other border defense organisations are examples of maritime security jobs.

Concept of Maritime Security

Four of these requirements are always considered of maritime security services. They are seapower, marine safety, blue economy, and human resilience. Each of these concepts actually points us to the different dimensions of maritime security as this is not an easy job to do.

Types of Maritime Security Service

Maritime security services have four types of proceeding classification.

  1. National Security
  2. Marine Environments
  3. Economic Development and
  4. Cyber Security

Maritime security advisers have vital obligations. Also, they can earn high wages because of their extraordinary work in ensuring the security of vessels.

And maritime security consultants are known as private contractors. It means that they can carry out their assigned jobs by the government’s rule while following their own techniques and experience to acquire the expected results of this service. And Maritime Sec performs their duties on national or international waters

Work type of Maritime Security Services

Maritime Security officers on a cruise ship have to report to the chief or deputy security officers or staff captains to carry out objectives regarding the safety and patrol of the vessels. They monitor and control all points of entry to the vessel and assist during goods boarding to ensure the safety of the merchant’s valuable goods. Maritime security officers must also train in anti-terrorism and anti-piracy techniques. So the development of the skills necessary to evict any threats and respond to emergencies should they arise onboard.

A Maritime Security officer also has additional responsibilities such as:

  • Recording activities log for presentation during the evening and overtime duty hours for security purposes.
  • Checking goods, luggages and belongings of merchants, crew members or passengers to make sure that no prohibited items come on board in the vassal.
  • Conducting scheduled and random security inspections to ensure the safety of crew members.
  • Attending important meetings regards security service, training programs and educational courses in compliance with cruise line regulations to be up-to-date with time.
  • Performing regular patrols of all the areas on board the vessel.

Qualifications For Maritime Security Jobs

Maritime security job is a unique job and its qualification is having a certain experience level in your type of job interest. For instance, after you get enlisted, you’ll receive training for the job from the Coast Guard.

The main qualifications for maritime security jobs are citizenship and the physical fitness of a candidate.

You need to have verified skills with guns and other weapons for sure. Also, an excellent understanding of the latest security rules and regulations and international security matters including readiness to operate, if a potentially hazardous situation occurs.

How to Become a Maritime Security Officer?

Actually, the security officers who work for maritime security typically have prior experience working in the field related to security. If you’re determined to become a Maritime Security officer, you can take several approaches to becoming a licensed security officer aboard. Let’s explore how to Join Maritime Expeditionary Security Force as a Maritime Security Officer –

1. Attending Maritime Training Programs

You must attend a certified maritime training academy, as this can be a requirement for this job. Maritime diploma programs include training in passenger vessel security, private vessel security, international ship and port facility security (ISPS) codes and maritime law and regulations. This type of program provides maritime training and can provide you with an entry-level credential to support your advancement to the role of a maritime security officer.

2. Gaining Entry-Level Experience

To proceed to the rank of security officer, most security professionals serve as entry-level positions or as one of the deck officers who have to report to an acting deputy officer. Working in an entry-level role gives you the best experience you need to learn how to perform the job. Gaining experience in this field will boost your competitive advantage while proceeding in rank.

3. Firearms and safety training programs

While you proceed to the rank of a security officer, it’s essential to complete firearms training to obtain certification to carry firearms aboard the vessels. Mainly it’ll depend on the company and the role you’re entering. So you can hopefully complete firearms training on schedule.

4. Obtaining all necessary certificates

Maritime security officers must hold specific certificates per the requirement of the company to establish a professional relationship. Areas like maritime safety, firearms security and other areas may require.

5. Logistics

Maritime security typically has many logistics to represent several jobs. Coordinating people, vessels, equipment, facilities, or supplies management in private contract works are related to this job. Sometimes supply materials and valuable personnel need protection from pirates, terrorists and means by which goods can get injured easily during transportation on the board.

Thinking about Advancing Career?

After becoming and join at the Maritime Expeditionary Security Force as a Maritime Security officer you’ll get the opportunity with your career including many advantages. Actually, security officers who work in the role for a number of years can get promoted to security captains or staff captains. Where they become responsible for directing and managing security activities with necessary procedures for all security staff aboard their vessels. So if you’re interested in joining the Maritime Security Service, this can be an opportunity for you to serve the government and the people.



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